Name : Titanium Backup Pro v4.9.0.2 + Lucky Patcher v1.1.10 Android
Category : System Tools & Utilities
File Name : titaniumbackupprov4.9.0.2+luckypatcherv1.1.10android.apk
File Size : 1mb
Supported Phones : Acer beTouch E130, Dell Streak, Dell Mini 5, Dell Aero, Dell Mini 3iX, Garmin-Asus A10, Gigabyte GSmart G1305 Boston, Gigabyte GSmart G1305 Codfish, HTC Desire, HTC Bravo, HTC Wildfire, HTC Evo 4G, HTC Legend, HTC Aria, HTC Google Nexus One, HTC Hero, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Tattoo, HTC Magic ... HTC DROID ERIS, HTC Dream, Huawei U8230, Huawei U8500, Huawei U8300, Huawei U8100, Huawei U8220, Huawei U8110, i-mobile i858, i-mobile 8500, Philips V900, Philips V808, T-Mobile G1, T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide, T-Mobile myTouch 3G, T-Mobile Pulse, T-Mobile Garminfone, T-Mobile Pulse Mini, T-Mobile G2 Touch, T-Mobile myTouch 3G Fender Edition, Vodafone 845, ZTE Race, ZTE X850, ZTE U X850
Requirements: Android 1.0+
EXTREMELY powerful tool. Backup ALL apps, Market links, remove bloatware & MORE!
☆Over 3 million users, 25+ languages!
☆Needs ROOT, for Android 1.5-4.0+
☆PRO Key is available on Market!
☆Voted #1 TOP ROOT APP on Twitter.
☆Problem? See
☆Scroll down for more info & VIDEOS ;-)
☆ ☆ ☆
Titanium Backup is the most powerful backup tool on Android, and then some.
You can backup, restore, freeze (with Pro) your apps + data + Market links. This includes all protected apps & system apps, plus external data on your SD card. You can do 0-click batch & scheduled backups. Backups will operate without closing any apps (with Pro). You can move any app (or app data) to/from the SD card. You can browse any app's data and even query the Market to see detailed information about the app.
Also see the paid PRO key which adds EVEN MORE awesome features such as:
[✔] 0-click batch restores
[✔] Keep multiple backups per app
[✔] Multi-user app data
[✔] Apps freezer
[✔] Dropbox sync (manual or scheduled)
[✔] Box sync (manual or scheduled)
[✔] Convert user apps <=> system apps
[✔] Integrate system app updates into ROM
[✔] Encryption
[✔] Market Doctor (relink apps to Market)
[✔] "Destroy all Market links" feature
[✔] Hypershell speed
[✔] Backup apps without closing them!
[✔] Restore individual apps+data from CWM backups!
[✔] Restore individual apps+data from TWRP backups!
[✔] Market "auto updating" manager
[✔] Dalvik cache cleaner
[✔] Integrate Dalvik cache system elements into ROM
[✔] Unlimited schedules
[✔] Protect backup against deletion
[✔] Send backup by e-mail
[✔] Freeze/defrost/launch apps in a single click
[✔] CSV export any app DB (e-mail or Google Docs)
[✔] Convert app data to/from fast WAL format
[✔] Multiple backups per app
[✔] 0-click batch restore
[✔] Multi-user support for some apps! (eg: games)
[✔] Batch verification
[✔] Backup apps without closing them!
[✔] Restore individual apps+data from CWM backups!
[✔] Hypershell speed
[✔] Migrate system data across different ROMs
[✔] Market Doctor
[✔] Apps freezer (incl. batch support)
[✔] Market "auto updating" manager
[✔] Convert user apps <=> system apps
[✔] Encryption
[✔] Unlimited schedules
[✔] Sync to/from Dropbox
[✔] Protect backup against deletion
[✔] Send backup by e-mail
[✔] CSV export any app DB (e-mail or Google Docs)
[✔] Brand the app with your name
[✔] Bloatware Melter (experimental)
[✔] Convert app data to/from faster WAL DB format
[✔] And more!
[✔] Dalvik cache cleaner
[✔] Integrate system app updates into ROM
[✔] Move apps into ROM
[✔] Integrate Dalvik cache system elements into ROM
What's in this version for Titanium Backup:
• Improved filtering by app type: now several app types (eg: user + system apps) can be chosen in a single filter.
• Added full support for the /emmc storage location (AOSP / Samsung Galaxy S2).

1. Remove tbpatcher
2. Install the latest version of Titanium Backup (Don't run)
3. Install LuckyPatcher (Run, custom patch!)
4. Enjoy
* Please go to data/app/ and delete com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.odex if you get "insuffisant memory" error message during install new version.