Hi all !! This is a guide on how to mod your Settings.apk to make it like an ICS's one !! My sincere credits to iiandskater. He is the one who FIRST made MODS like this. I learnt these by comparing his MOD !! He hasn't come up with a guide because he doesn't have time . (I think so!) If you have completed modding and posting it ( on any website/forum), then please give credits and give a link to this thread !! This helps it reaching more people !! Thanks. Pre-requisites: -7zip -Notepad++ This guide helps you to mod your settings' main screen only. If you want mod even other screens, then you need to read - why this/that step is done. If you want to know 'Why is this/that step done?' , then read the post completely !!
I'll start from the basics. Starting with basics:
- Decompile your Settings.apk with 'apktool' (or) Apk Multi-tool (or) anything like that of your comfort ! Why is this/that step done?: It is done in order to decode .xml files the apk. I decompiled with apktool.
- Now navigate to Decompiled_Folder\res\values
- There, open 'strings.xml' with notepad++
- Go to the very end of the file, there above </resources>, add the following:
<string name="location_settings_title">Location service</string> <string name="settings_ics_system">SYSTEM</string> <string name="settings_ics_radio">WIRELESS & NETWORKS</string> <string name="settings_radio_more">More...</string> <string name="settings_ics_device">DEVICE</string> <string name="settings_ics_personal">PERSONAL</string> <string name="settings_ics_system_cap">SYSTEM</string> <string name="power_usage_summary_text">Battery</string> It should look like this:Now save the file and close it. Why is this/that step done?: This is for the 'text' that appear at different places. For example:
- Now navigate to decompiled_folder\res\xml\
- There open 'settings.xml' with notepad++
Any phone's user can follow upto this blindly, but from here you should do similar things for your phone. HTC users, read this
- Your 'settings.xml' will look like this (may not be exact)(this is my modded settings.xml - i'll explain what i have modded):
Now i have separated different 'things'/tags with an empty line between them, so that you won't get confused:
Here, i will explain every different 'things'/tags with only one example, other things, you yourself will have try because others will be similar to what i explain. Preference screen: From the above picture, i am taking only the circled (can't 'define' its radius lol
Now lets zoom it:
On reading it, you yourself can understand that: ---android:title="@string/wifi_quick_toggle_tittle" refers to a TEXT registered under the string name "wifi_quick_toggle_tittle" in the 'strings.xml'. Now check in your 'strings.xml', which is located at res/values/, by searching for "wifi_quick_toggle_tittle". There you will find this line/line similar to this:
<string name="wifi_quick_toggle_title">Wi-Fi</string> You can very well understand that the TEXT between the tags here(in strings.xml) will appear on the screen!! ---settings:icon="@drawable/ic_settings_wireless"> refers to the icon located at res/drawable-ldpi (or) res/drawable-xxxx(that of your phone). You can leave other things as it is but except forandroid:targetClass="com.android.settings.wifi.Wif iSettings". This is because according to this only, you are directed to another screen on selecting it !! Here, i need to go to Wi-Fi settings on selecting it directly from the main screen. So i need to change it. To change, i opened res/xml/wireless_settings.xml There, like what we have seen earlier, many preference screens will be defined. There i found the preference screen of Wi-Fi settings I copied the android:targetClass="xxxxxxxxxxxx"(something given there) to Settings.xml file. If you want to do it for Bluetooth, then copy any of thepreference screen completely [from <com.android.settings...... to </com.android.settings.IconPreferenceScreen> Then make changes in the title , icon, and target classs. Not yet over, last thing: Adding custom categories like Device, Personal, System etc. It is this line that makes it: Place it anywhere above (or) in-between any two preference screens !!
<PreferenceCategory android:title="@string/settings_ics_radio" /> About icons, I'll tell after re-compiling.
- Re-Compiling it: After making all necessary changes and saving the 'xml' files, re-compile (or) build the apk. You should not get any error.
- After building it, you'll find the new 'Settings.apk' indecompiled_folder/dist. Do NOT use it. Now Go the folder where you have ORIGINAL/STOCK Settings.apk. Now simply extract it to any folder, say "settings-new", using 7zip.
- Now go to decompiled_folder/build/apk From there copy the 'resources.arsc' file and paste it in "Settings-new" folder. Replace it.
- Now again, go to decompiled_folder/build/apk/res/xml. There copy 'settings.xml' Paste it in Settings-new/res/xml folder. Replace if asked.
- ICONS: After downloading the icons.zip, you'll find the icons in 'drawable-ldpi' folder. Copy everything and paste it in Settings-new/res/drawable-xxxx (that of your phone). [If you do not know what is that 'xxxx' for your phone, then paste it in every 'drawable-ldpi/mdpi' folder] Replace if asked.
- Now come back and open "Settings-new" folder. You'll find 6 objects there, including folders. Now select them all --> "7zip" --> "Add to archive...". There, select 'Archive format as 'zip'and 'compression level' as 'Store' and then select 'ok'.
- Now rename the newly formed 'xxxx.zip' file to 'xxxx.apk'. Before copying to system/app rename it to Settings.apk instead some xxxx.apk !! Now your apk is ready to be put in system/app !! If you have completed everything and would like to distribute it, then download the 'Pre-scripted-update.zip' from attachments. Open the archive with 7zip (no need to extract) go tosystem/app. Just drag and drop your modded 'Settings.apk'. Thats all !! Close it and flash it via recovery !! Thats all....i believe........still can refine it.......! Icons-uploaded........!! If you have completed modding and posting it ( on any website/forum), then please give credits and give a link to this thread !! This helps it reaching more people !! Thanks. If you like this thread, the hit THANKS !!
Download ICON.ZIP
Download Pre-scripted-update.Zip