Vpn One Click v2.31 Apk
Whats new : For Android 4.x:
- it allows to use different ports clicking on the same connection again, in all cases of difficult to connect from "firewalled" network;
Requirements: Varies with device
Overview: Vpn One Click protects your privacy online and unlocks all blocked

Vpn One Click protects your privacy online and unlocks all blocked
Vpn One Click protects your privacy online, unlocks all blocked
services like Twitter,Facebook,Skype,etc., by connecting to a Virtual Private Network Server. Your public ip address will be different from the real one and the connection will appear as coming from a different country to full protect your privacy. Furthermore, your internet connection will be full encrypted.
The servers are available in many different countries to allow to change your public ip address and also to watch your national Tv from abroad.
The available countries are: Usa,Canada, Australia, United Kingdom,Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland,Italy,Singapore, India, Egypt, Russia, Sweden, Spain, Turkey and Hong Kong.
Use the service with NO traffic limit.
Real free of charge Vpn service!
There are specific versions for:
- Windows,
- Mac,
- Ios (iPhone/iPad/iPod).
What's in this version:
For Android 4.x:
- it allows to use different ports clicking on the same connection again, in all cases of difficult to connect from "firewalled" network;
-The previous configured VPN are still present after this update, and you can continue to use them from "Settings","More","Vpn";
- improved speed.
on Android 2.x:
- bug fix for some devices reporting blocking situations;
- improved speed.
Please contact us on support 24h for any more info, writing negative comments only is useless.
This app has NO advertisements

Download Official Vpn One Click v2.31

Download Vpn One Click v2.31 Apk
Whats new : For Android 4.x:
- it allows to use different ports clicking on the same connection again, in all cases of difficult to connect from "firewalled" network;
Requirements: Varies with device
Overview: Vpn One Click protects your privacy online and unlocks all blocked
Vpn One Click protects your privacy online and unlocks all blocked
Vpn One Click protects your privacy online, unlocks all blocked
services like Twitter,Facebook,Skype,etc., by connecting to a Virtual Private Network Server. Your public ip address will be different from the real one and the connection will appear as coming from a different country to full protect your privacy. Furthermore, your internet connection will be full encrypted.
The servers are available in many different countries to allow to change your public ip address and also to watch your national Tv from abroad.
The available countries are: Usa,Canada, Australia, United Kingdom,Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland,Italy,Singapore, India, Egypt, Russia, Sweden, Spain, Turkey and Hong Kong.
Use the service with NO traffic limit.
Real free of charge Vpn service!
There are specific versions for:
- Windows,
- Mac,
- Ios (iPhone/iPad/iPod).
What's in this version:
For Android 4.x:
- it allows to use different ports clicking on the same connection again, in all cases of difficult to connect from "firewalled" network;
-The previous configured VPN are still present after this update, and you can continue to use them from "Settings","More","Vpn";
- improved speed.
on Android 2.x:
- bug fix for some devices reporting blocking situations;
- improved speed.
Please contact us on support 24h for any more info, writing negative comments only is useless.
This app has NO advertisements
Download Official Vpn One Click v2.31